Benefits of Yoga

There are many aspects of yoga. We start with the physical body, introducing asana, or yoga postures. This brings balance and ease to the external and internal body from the stretching and strengthening techniques that yoga is so famous for.

Once the body feels more at ease, the mind also begins to become more relaxed. The mind and the body start to feel more in tune with each other, so you will start to feel changes happen. You may find you sleep more deeply, have more stamina physically and mentally or that some of the usual aches and pains start to dissipate.

Yoga is not a religion, but a practice of self study which leads to a more wholesome way of life.

Whatever your beliefs, yoga will help fortify your unique truths and help you to lead a more productive and positive life.

Read Time Magazine’s article on the benefits of Yoga HERE

The benefits of personalised yoga tuition

You will be shown how to develop these asanas more specifically for your body. Working on the core foundation asanas and building up from there whilst factoring in any physical injuries, limitations or conditions. Taking time and care to work more specifically with individual needs which is often not possible to get in yoga classes or at a gym.

You will start with learning the basic foundation asanas, or postures. If you’ve done some yoga you may already be familiar with various asanas.

Over time, Yoga will show you how to listen to your body and help fortify a more informed relationship with it.

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