Iyengar Yoga


BKS Iyengar was a man who brought Yoga into the western world limelight by teaching yoga to the virtuoso violinist Yehudi Menuhin who noticed a phenomenal increase in his balance and autonomy whilst playing the violin and shared this experience in an BBC interview with David Attenborough in 1963.

Read more about BKS Iyengar here
Read about the David Attenborough interview here



Geeta Iyengar, was the daughter of BKS Iyengar. She led a life of yoga and teaching in the Iyengar Institute in Pune for most of her life. Her legacy is the work she has done in women’s yoga and yoga therapy.
She wrote the invaluable book, Yoga, A Gem for women.
You can purchase this book here

Iyengar Yoga is classical yoga taught with an emphasis on alignment. It is as dynamic and challenging as it is gentle and restorative.

Find out more about Iyengar Yoga